State Farm Neighborhood Assist ® 2018

Your votes have spoken!
Meet the 40 winners of $25,000 grants!

Thank you for helping us select the final 40 causes for State Farm Neighborhood Assist® 2018. Each of them has won a $25,000 grant to help turn caring into doing in their neighborhood.

Winner snapshot

Here are some interesting facts about this year's winners.

How many votes were cast?

4493041 votes casted

What types of causes won?

37.5% submitted entries for education
7.5% submitted entries for safety
55% submitted entries for community development

What inspired people to submit a cause?

67.5% of people were inspired by community support
15% of people were inspired for inspiring others
17.5% of people were inspired for awareness

Which states won the most grants?

Illinois has the most number of submissions with 18 causes
Kentucky has the second most number of submissions with 13 causes
Missouri has the third most number of submissions with 13 causes

Volunteer now for a cause you care about at Neighborhood of Good.

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